Living in a Far from Perfect World

Ian Mitroff
2 min readMay 17, 2024

I’m publishing this series of articles to share and discuss my ruminations on coping with a troubled and messy world. You can “follow” me to never miss an article.

In his typical brilliant fashion, Paul Krugman points out the extreme difficulties that both Conservatives and Progressives have in accepting Good, but less than Perfect, Economic news[i]. And living therefore in a less than an impeccable World.

In line with essentially everything, Conservatives are generally impervious to facts. Their minds are made up rendering them resistant to change. For very different reasons, Progressives don’t fare much better. They are mired in, if not dragged down by, their self-manufactured Negativity. The feeling that “there’s a lot wrong with America” is so paramount that it overwhelms their entire take on things.

Many Americans as well are equally pessimistic about the Economy. Even though Inflation has come way down, prices are still too high.

It’s thereby not surprising to find as a current study did that it takes roughly two years for lower rates of Inflation to be reflected in how Consumers feel about the Economy.

Most of all, Krugman is extremely worried that a general unwillingness to accept less than perfect news about the Economy could leave us in the hands of Republican extremists:

