Ian Mitroff
3 min readAug 12, 2020


The Divide: A Case Study

Can This Friendship Be Saved?

The Divide: A Case Study

Can This Friendship Be Saved?

by Ian I. Mitroff

We are living in a time where our country is more divided than ever. The divides between us are everywhere. And, they are getting worse. It behooves all of us to take a hard look at the divisions we are experiencing and to try to find ways to move beyond them.

Consider the case of two long-time friends who have worked, studied, written and learned from one another for years. Recently, they have fallen out over the role of the traditional medical system in treating the Coronavirus. Indeed, they are sharply split with regard to it.

One believes strongly that we should take Dr. Fauci strongly at his word. We should wear masks, shelter in place, practice social distancing, etc. The other believes that traditional medicine — represented by Dr. Fauci in particular — does not go far enough. It gives scant attention to the role that countless other factors such as obesity and improper diets play in exacerbating the effects of the Virus. Traditional medicine also does not pay significant attention to alternative forms of treatment such as mindfulness and Eastern forms of spiritual healing. In short, traditional medicine emphasizes quick fixes. As such, it does not get to the real roots of the problem.

Whereas the one party feels that a number of prominent medical schools have already incorporated meditation and mindfulness into their…

